O excelentíssimo Deputado Jorge Wilson Xerife do Consumidor conseguiu a permanência da Base da Polícia Militar da Serra da Canteira que estava em risco de fechamento, garantindo mais segurança à toda população de Mairiporã e região.
No dia 17, o Parlamentar esteve presente ao lado do Prefeito de Mairiporã, Antonio Aiacyda, dos vereadores Tonhé, Marcinho da Serra e Chinão Ruiz, e do Secretário Municipal de Segurança Pública, Transporte e Mobilidade Urbana Cel. Daniel Augusto, em audiência com o Secretário de Segurança Pública do Estado, General João Camilo Pires de Campos para reforçar o pedido realizado em 2015 para o aumento do efetivo policial.
Consumer products marketing has experienced a profound change over the last 5 to 10 years, from a world dominated by large global brands and established TV and big-box retail models to a world that’s quickly much more complex, with a proliferation of brands, channels and marketing tools. Technology’s disrupted the industry in three ways. Firstly, it’s disrupted the way consumers engage with brands. In the UK and the US now, over 60% of consumers discover brands.
There are five areas that we encourage CMOs to look at. The first is, what are my future-back platforms that will lead growth for the next 5 to 10 years? Taking today’s profit pools and forecasting them present forward just won’t capture the level of disruption that’s impacting these industries.
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning failure.” – OLIVER SANDERO